Manage Your Newsletter

Our automated monthly email newsletter helps you keep in touch with your contacts on a consistent basis without lifting a finger. Email newsletters can help grow your business by: 

  • Staying top-of-mind with your customers
  • Offering useful information and building trust with your leads
  • Increasing quote requests, referrals, and customer retention. 

Here's how it works:

On the first day of each month, we'll automatically collect your parent website's recent blog posts and your 5 most popular social media shares. We'll use these to create a newsletter to send out to your leads. You can pick the day of the month this newsletter is sent out. 

Please Note: The blog articles featured in your newsletter will link to to your parent account's website.

With AgentMethods, you can set up your automatic email newsletter in just a few moments. 

Video Walkthrough

Set Up Your Email Newsletter

Start by navigating to your Newsletters page by clicking Amplify in the left-hand sidebar of your screen, then click the Newsletters tab. 

Next, click the green Settings icon on the right of your page. 

This will open a pop-up window where you can view all of your Newsletter settings. You can fill out: 

  • Default From Email:  This is the email address your newsletter comes from.
  • Default Subject: If you want a specific subject, enter it here. Otherwise, our system will create one from your newsletter content.
  • Send every: Specify the day of the month you want your newsletter to go out.
  • Limit Blog Post: By default, we include every new post added to your blog. If you want to limit the number of blog posts that are included in your newsletter, check this box. A new field will appear titled Max Blog Posts. Input your number of max blog posts in this field. 
  • Send Newsletter?: Uncheck this if you'd like to temporarily pause your newsletter and stop new newsletters from getting sent out. 
  • Max Shared Links: This is the number of links shared via social media posts that will be included in the newsletter. We always choose your top-performing links to include. 
  • Headline: This is the headline at the top of your newsletter.
  • Intro: This appears at the top of your newsletter. Set a default here and then you can edit each newsletter's intro if you'd like a specific message to appear.
  • Footer Headline: This is the headline at the bottom of your newsletter.
  • Footer Body: This appears at the bottom of your newsletter. Set a default here and then you can edit each newsletter's intro if you'd like a specific message to appear.

When you've finished making changes, click the green Update Settings button at the bottom of your page. 

Preview or Edit Your Monthly Newsletter

Once you've gone through the steps to set up your monthly newsletter, AgentMethods will automatically generate and send out a newsletter every month.

If you would like to preview the upcoming monthly newsletter, click the green Preview/Edit button at the top of the newsletter page. 

This will open up the newsletter editor. 

On the left side of the page, you'll see a preview of your newsletter. This is what the newsletter will look like in your recipient's inboxes.

If you'd like to make changes to the newsletter, make your edits on the right side of the page. 

To see your website changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the green Save Newsletter button to save your changes. Your changes will populate in the newsletter editor. 

Send a Test Newsletter

If you'd like to send a test newsletter to yourself, click the Send Test Email button. A test version of the upcoming newsletter will be sent to your email inbox. 

View Past Newsletters 

On the main newsletter page, there's a running list of all past newsletters that have been sent from your AgentMethods account. 

To view past letters, all you need to do is find the newsletter you'd like to open, then click on the green title of the newsletter. 

A web version of your email newsletter will appear in a new tab.

Remember, if you need assistance, reach out to your designated contact person at your agency for help.

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