Manage Your Blog
Blogs can be a great way to keep leads informed and engaged in your content. Setting up a blog through AgentMethods takes just a few moments, and will automatically populate with helpful blog articles for your audience.
Set Up a Blog
To edit, add, or delete the pages which appear in the main navigation, log into your AgentMethods account and click on the Website tab. You'll automatically refresh to the Manage Pages tab.
This page will show you all of the individual content pages which comprise your website. The Sections box on the left are the top level of pages: the tabs which appear on your main navigation bar.
To add a blog section, click the black Add Section box at the top right of the section area.
This will open a pop-up. Fill out the information for your new section, and check the box labeled Is a Blog Section.
You can also select whether you'd like to auto-add blog posts, and the categories of posts that you want you want your blog to publish.
When you've finished, click the green Save Section button to save and publish your blog!
The AgentMethods team will now auto-publish blog posts according to the categories you've selected.
Add a Blog Post
Once you set up your blog and select categories, the AgentMethods platform will automatically publish blog posts for you! However, there may be times when you'd prefer to write a blog post yourself.
To add a blog post, start by navigating to the blog post section you've created on your AgentMethods platform.
On the top right of the page, click the Add Blog Entry button.
You'll be redirected to the website builder. A pop-up will appear, where you can fill in all the information for your new blog post page. Most importantly, make sure you fill in the page title for your new blog.
Click the green Save button at the bottom of the box to save your changes.
You'll now be shown a blank blog post page for your website. You can type your blog directly within the text editor, or instead copy and paste your blog from an external source (such as a Word document).
When you're ready to publish your blog, click the green Publish button at the top of your screen. Success!