Edit & Link Text on a Page

Editing text with the website builder is simple, and you can make a wide range of style changes or even link text on your website. 

This guide will go over the basics of editing text on your website.


Edit Text on Your Website

Editing most of the text on your website is simple! Simply go to the website builder and open the page you'd like to edit. 

Within the website builder, double click on the text you'd like to edit. A text editor will appear. 

You can change text color, bold text, add media, add tables, and more.The options are endless!

Once you're happy with your text edits, be sure to click the green Publish button to save your changes. 

Add Links to Text

Sometimes you'll want to link a piece of text on a page to another page or an external link. 

Open the text editor on the component you'd like to edit. Select the text you'd like to link, then click the link icon. 

A pop-up will appear. Choose whether you'd like to link to another page component, a different website page, an external website, or connect the link to your email or phone number. 

  • Page - Select another page on your site.
  • Web address - Enter a URL of a page anywhere on the Internet. 
  • Email address - Add an email address that clicking on the link will send email to. You can optionally include a CC address and email subject.
  • Phone number - Create a click-to-call link that will call this phone number. 

Note: For "Page" and "Web address" you can set links to open in a new tab. 

Fill in the required information, then click the green Save button to save your changes. 

Be sure to Publish the page to take your changes live. 

Remove a Link

To remove a link, simply highlight the linked text, and press the broken link icon in the text editor.

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