Restore a Previous Page Version or Save a Draft

Do you ever find yourself wanting to "roll back" changes you've made to your website? With the page version history feature, you can save up to 10 different versions of any page on your website. With the press of a button, you can restore these pages back to how they were previously.

You can also save drafts of web pages before publishing. You can edit your webpage, save a draft, then come back and publish it whenever you're ready.

Access Website Versions

To find the saved versions for your webpage, start by clicking Website in the left navigation bar. Then, click the Manage Pages tab. This will bring you to a list of all of your current web pages.



Locate the page that you would like to view saved versions for. Then, click the Page History button underneath the page title.

This will bring up all of the saved versions available for this webpage.

NOTE: The version history feature will save up to 10 versions of each webpage. If you have more than 10 versions of the webpage, the most recent 10 versions will appear.

Restore a Previous Version

You can easily restore a previous version of any page on your website. From the version history window, find the version that you would like to restore (TIP: if you're not sure which version you're looking for, use the Preview button)

Preview: This will open a separate tab with the webpage version that you selected. You can review this page to see if you would like to restore this version.

Restore: This will bring you to the website builder page for this version of your webpage. To publish this saved version, complete the process by clicking on the green Publish button at the top right of your screen.

Save a Page as a Draft

Are you editing a webpage and need to take a break, but aren't quite ready to publish it? Drafts let you save your edits and come back to them at a later time.

From the webpage builder, click the Save Draft button at the top of the page when you're ready to save your changes.

To access and continue editing your draft, open the version history window. Your draft will be labeled as "Draft" in the version history list. From here, you can choose to preview or edit this page version.

NOTE: You can only have one draft in the version history list at a time.

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