Filter Contacts

The want to quickly filter your contacts list? This filter functionality makes it easy to separate out your contacts by criteria like events, tags, and campaigns.

Filter contacts

To filter your contacts list, start by clicking to the contacts tab on the left navigation.

This will bring you to the main contacts page, where you can see a comprehensive list of all the contacts within your account. To filter contacts, simply press the gray Filters box on the right side of your page.

A dropdown will appear that lets you filter by different criteria. Select the criteria that you'd like to filter contacts by through clicking on the relevant checkbox.

You can filter contacts by many criteria, including:

  • Events: Contacts who have bounced, dropped, or are a spam risk.
  • Newsletters: Contacts who have subscribed or unsubscribed to your newsletter
  • Campaigns: Contacts who are subscribed or unsubscribed from your marketing campaigns
  • Tags: Contacts who have been assigned a particular tag (you can choose from any tag you've created)
  • Sources: Contacts created from external sources like CRM integrations
  • Imports: Contacts added to the platform through a particular import

You can select as many filters as you'd like.

The contacts list will automatically update according to the criteria you select.

Perform bulk actions

Once you filter your contacts, you can perform bulk actions on that contacts segment. To select all of the contacts that you've filtered, click the checkbox at the top left of the contacts box

This will select all of the contacts on your page. If you'd like to select all the filtered contacts, even the ones that don't fit on the current page, click the green text in the pop-up which appears.

This will select all of your filtered contacts. From here, you can add tags to or delete these contacts in bulk.

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