Edit Utility Navigation

Your Utility Navigation can be found at the very top of your website. These navigation links are a smaller set separate from your main navigation menu, and just like your main navigation, stay consistently at the top of every page of your site. The default links are “Contact Us” and “Get A Quote”.


Edit Utility Navigation 

To edit your Utility Navigation, head to your Account settings page. To access this page, start by clicking the user icon at the top right of your page. 

A dropdown list will appear. Select Account Settings

Scroll down to the Utility Navigation section

Here you can see each Navigation has two parts to edit, the Link and the Label.

  • Link: This is where you want the link to go to. You can either select a page on your site from the drop down or enter a URL of an external web page that you’d like to link to.
  • Label: This is the text you’d like to show where the link is displayed.

Select where you would like the user to go by clicking on the drop-down arrow for the Link section:

Then, choose what you would like to call that link by typing it into the Label section:

Repeat the same steps with any utility navigation links that you'd like to edit or add. 

Once you are done making changes to your Utility Navigation, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Click the green Save button to save your changes. 

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