Hide Your Address

The footer section is found at the very bottom of your website and remains the same on every page. Your primary address is located in the footer section of your site.

If you would like to hide your address on your website, follow the steps below. 

Video Walkthrough

Hide Your Address

Start by clicking the user icon at the top right of your page. 

A dropdown list will appear. Select Profile Personalization

This will bring up your Profile Personalization page.

Scroll down the page and find your address in the  Profile Details section of the Profile Personalization page. 

Beneath your address, there is a dropdown menu titled "Hide Address X"

Simply toggle the menu to "Yes" to hide your address on your website. 

Have multiple addresses? You can show/hide them each individually.

Click the green  Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes. 

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