Create Your Own Emails

While AgentMethods does automatically create and send out marketing emails on your behalf, there are times that you may want to create a personalized marketing email. Maybe you recently moved locations, are offering expanded services, or have another custom announcement for your client base. 

This guide walks you through how to create a custom email from scratch using the AgentMethods platform. 

Create Your Email

Start by clicking on the AMPlify tab on the left hand side of your screen. Then, select Cross Marketing. This will bring you to a page with a list of all of your past and upcoming email campaigns, as well as any campaigns currently in drafts.

If you are on an "Agent" or "Super Agent" plan, select Email Marketing from the left navigation to see your upcoming campaigns. 

Select any scheduled email from the list that you would like to change to a create your own email, and click the Edit and Reschedule button to the right of the email row. 

This will open up the email within the email editor. From here, there's no need to edit the existing email. All you need to do it head to the top of the page and click on the Select Your Campaign option next to the Number 1. 

This will open up the open to select the type of email campaign you'd like to create. Click on the blank Create Your Own option. 

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm if you'd like to create your own campaign. Click the blue OK. 

A new blank email will populate in the editor. On the left side of the page, you'll see a preview of your newsletter. This is what the newsletter will look like in your recipient's inboxes.

If you'd like to make changes to the newsletter, make your edits on the right side of the page. 

Don't forget to add a Subject line! 

To see your website changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Preview button. 

Schedule Your Email 

Once you're happy with your email, you can save or schedule your email to be sent. 

To save your email as a draft, click the green Save button.

You'll be able to locate this email in the future (for further editing and scheduling), by going to the "Draft" tab of the main Cross Marketing page.

To schedule your email, click the gray Schedule button at the top right of your page. 

A pop-up will appear asking you to input the contact and delivery details, such as: 

Name: What is the name that you'd like to send this email from? Usually, this will be your name. 

From: Type the address that you want this marketing email to be sent "From".

To: Which of your contacts do you want to send this email to?

Delivery date/time: When do you want this email to send?

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